First time, redesign, readapt. Websites constantly change to fit ever changing needs.
Jake's Legendary Steak Spice [Full Website Redesign]
Early 2021 a full website redesign was complete to prepare for a provincial launch of Jake's in multiple stores.
Calgary Critical Care Research Network [lead]
Currently I am the lead for the C3 research website. Working within the regulated brand of the University of Calgary to create useful information for critical care patients in the Calgary Zone, as well as students (prospective, current, and past), and professionals.
The Innovation Lab [The city of calgary]
Working with new communication strategies and direction of what The Innovation Lab wanted to communicate with Calgarians an educational landing page was developed for external facing use.
lead pages [as part of communication officer duties]
Working with Business Breakthrough Coaching of Calgary I have helped develop many communication aspects of this multi-faceted company. The Lead Pages site is designed to encourage the view to book an initial free call. The opening video is filmed, directed, and edited by me.